Getting Set Up with UDB

Tips for Learning Drill

Calendar and Attendance (UDBapp Pro)

  • Backup your calendar data weekly by exporting a full report of your ensemble’s attendance data. Watch the tutorial.

  • You must create your own calendar that is different from your Google Calendar’s default offering. We recommend titling this something like “UDB Attendance.” Watch the tutorial or view the written guide.

  • We recommend that all calendar events be input via UDBapp Pro rather than through the Google Calendar web interface. However, if you want to import your calendar events from an existing calendar, they need to exist in the newly created Google Calendar that you created for UDBapp Pro, not your default Google calendar. 

  • Make your geofence larger than you think is necessary. Not all devices will have access to the same level of signal or GPS data and increasing the size of the check-in geofence will ensure that all users can check-in.

  • Have all members turn on precise location on iOS or Android.

Tips for Drill Writers

  • Put your .3DUDB file in a shared folder with your ensemble director. This will allow them to access the new drill in the event of any internet or server interruption. Watch a tutorial on exporting a .3DUDB file to your computer or view the written guide.

  • If you are adding or removing performers from a particular song and you are wanting to update the UDB file, you will need to be on Pyware v11.1 or newer. If you are on any version of Pyware v10, it is safest to upload a new file. UDBapp’s cast list is based off the first file that you upload for that particular song.

  • Updating (overwriting) is available when using Pyware 10 or later. When updating a file, any user generated notes or sheet music for the original file will not be overwritten. Watch the tutorial.

  • Lock all label positions to be beneath the symbols for the duration of the file and set the distance to one click away from the closest option. View the guide here.

  • Separate moves and holds by creating a set or subset tab for the holds. View the guide here.

  • Sync your audio using .ogg files by converting them from .wav using the free software Audacity. This will make your Pyware and the subsequent UDBapp files significantly smaller. View a video tutorial or the written guide.

  • Customize your grid terminology in Pyware’s Grid Designer to match the terminology that your ensemble uses in rehearsal. View a written guide here.

  • The Production Sheet inside of Pyware is a powerful tool and all of the information entered into it comes over to UDB including all of the Notes Columns, Title Column and Measure Numbers. For the measure numbers to display on the UDB top banner, it must be entered into the production sheet column. View our guide on how we suggest to best utilize the production sheet for optimal UDB integration.